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5 Things to Say to a Person suffering from Depression - fulfilU™
5 MYTHS about Depression - fulfilU™
5 Things NEVER to Say to a person with Depression - fulfilU™

Receive our 3 incredible guides for FREE, so that you can help yourself and, at the same time, become a better supporter for your loved ones as well, even if you are on the verge of losing all hope.

Let's grab a silk cloth and clean your mind glasses!

Shall we?


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I'm sitting in a local coffee shop reading my fascinating book, minding my own business, when a guy walks in.

Let's call him Tom.

He goes up to the barista and orders his coffee (he seems LOW!)


He takes his coffee and sits at a table where a girl is already seated.

Let's call her Akanksha.


She asks him, "What's wrong Tom? You asked to meet me all of a sudden. You seem really low. I have never seen you like this before."


Tom says, "You really wanna know, Akanksha?"


Akanksha: I really do. I can't see you like this. We're close friends. Tell me, what's up!


Tom tries to take a deep breath, but it seems to be too much of an effort.


He says, "Well, I'm not sure what's happening to me. I feel hopeless and I have no pleasure in doing the activities I love.


There are times of the day when I can't eat and at other times, I crave to eat all the junk in the world. I'm gaining a lot of weight.


I can't fall asleep. I feel like my mind is racing at a 100 miles/hr but not reaching anywhere. Thinking about all the negativity inside & around me. And If I'm ever able to sleep, I sleep for 12-15 (sometimes 20) hours, not able to get up at all."


Akanksha: Gosh! I'm sorry you feel this way. Please tell me more. You can share it with me. I won't judge. Let it out.


Tom: There's such a mental fog that I can't think clearly. I feel my mind is playing tricks on me. I'm feeling so worthless and guilty about all the pain I've caused other people.


There are mornings when I wake up with uncontrollable tears as if I had been crying in my sleep. I'm feeling such a HUGE, HEAVY burden on my body & mind that I cannot even lift my legs from the bed, let alone my entire body.


I have little to no energy! Can't concentrate! I spend the entire day in bed, not wanting to see or talk to anybody. I usually call off work, switch off my phone, and just sleep.


I feel as if my mind and body are shutting down. And I'm thinking that this is it! It's over! I AM OVER!


I just want to end the pain.


Akanksha: But Tom, you've always been a happy guy. A joyful friend of mine. I've never seen you like this. I don't understand.


Tom: My boss thinks I'm cheating them with an excuse to not work. But they don't understand, I feel physically & mentally exhausted, and I feel ashamed for it.

I feel nobody wants to help me. 

Nobody cares.
Nobody cares!

Akanksha: That's not true, Tom. I care. I really do. I want to help you in any way I can. You're not alone in this.


Tom: Thank you, A!


But it's hard for me to believe it right now. I feel that everyone hates me and never wants me to be in their life.

I'm so anxious that I'm not able to tolerate it.

I'm constantly feeling guilty that I'm letting my family, all my loved ones down.


I'm constantly comparing myself with others and feeling miserable inside. Feel like I have no self-worth. Feel like a complete failure in life.


I am NUMB!


My family is annoyed with me and my lack of energy in life. They think I'm just a slob. But only I know the pain inside me. So, I'm just not sharing my true inner self with anyone.


What keeps me up at night is the recurrent thought that I will never get better and that my life has come to an end.


Akanksha: I hear you, Tom. And, I'm here for you, be sure of that.


But, remember the last time we talked, you were so excited about creating a dream life for yourself. You were talking all about your goals, your vision & your dreams.


Tom: Yes! It's ironic really. I'm feeling the worst I've ever felt in my life.


But on the other hand, I crave Happiness. I crave Joy!

I want a Happy Life.

I really do.


I want to live a FULFILLED life with a beautiful family & loved ones and create lasting success & financial abundance in my life.


I desperately want to keep the hope alive in me to fulfill my goals, purpose & dreams.


I want to Forgive.

I want to end the negativity.

I want to spread Love, Joy & Happiness all around me.


I wish I could get back all those years of pain, suffering, and loneliness.


I want to learn what the SCIENCE of Happiness & Fulfillment is all about.

I want to learn what REAL Mental Health is all about.


But I don't know how! I don't know what to do next.




I heard my family members, I heard my friends, I heard motivational speeches & so-called gurus.

All of them told me, 


"It was just going to be okay. Just think positive and become a meditating monk. Just give up all your desires, put your head down, live a mediocre life and be satisfied with what you've got."


Give me a break.


See I heard them all. But I did not find the information, the real knowledge, the real wisdom I need about what is happening to me, and most importantly, how do I get out of this pit of helplessness once & for all.


Everyone told me that I should just get better, but no one told me HOW! No one gave me any actionable tools or strategies that I can start using today. I mean, right now...


Everyone told me that Happiness is a trap. It's an illusion. And I should chase after material possessions and achievements. But I know that's not true.


One thing I'm absolutely sure of, is that,


There's a deeper Fulfillment inside me that needs to be unleashed...




Okay, that was it!

I could not take any longer.


I had to talk to Tom.


At this point, I had such a strong urge to help him, that it felt wrong NOT to go speak to him! 


So I went up to his table and said,

"Hey, Tom. I couldn't help but overhear. I'm really sorry I don't want to pry. But I just want to say that I know exactly what you're talking about. You are not alone, my friend! Not at all. I was once in your shoes and it wasn't a pretty picture. That's for sure. 

I'm so incredibly proud of you for being highly self aware and for  having this conversation with your friend.


Believe me or not, you've done the hard part.


I want to help you.

It'll be my honor to add immense VALUE to your life!"




We, at fulfilU by Value Stewards®, help people who are constantly dis-satisfied, unhappy and struggling in their life, to finally begin to leave their disempowering Past behind, unleash their true inner joy and authentic self, and essentially kickstart their own 'Pursuit of Fulfillment' in a deeper, more enjoyable way, even if they are living in a depressed MODE of Emotions and have a tendency to lose ALL hope.

We have an Online Mastermind Video Program for you called,


A Journey from Constant Dis-Satisfaction, Hopelessness & Suffering


It's an 8-week online program that will teach you exactly the same ideas, principles, and strategies that I used, to eliminate my self-induced suffering and kickstart once again my pursuit of a fulfilled life, just like so many others have done as well.

But rest assured.
I'm NOT selling you anything.
I don't want you to buy anything. 
Right now, I want to SERVE you.
Right now, I want to HELP you.
Right now, I want to add tremendous VALUE to your life.
So, sign up below, join your fulfilU™ tribe, do me the biggest favor and let me fulfill my purpose in life by helping YOU... (see how selfish I am!)
Give me the privilege of helping YOU (a fellow tribe member) and hopefully (nah... surely) a dear friend in the future.
See you on the other side.
Be JOYFUL, get busy SERVING Humanity, and become truly FULFILLED in the process.
Prateek Singh Kumar (P.S.K.) - Your Personal LIFE STRATEGIST
THE PURSUIT OF FULFILLMENT - How to be Happy, Joyful & Fulfilled in the Post-Pandemic Era - fulfilU™

Access & enjoy this guide for free to,


  1. ​Elevate yourself to the next level in life.

  2. Become a better supporter for your loved ones, even if you or they are on the verge of losing all hope.

  3. Confidently show up in the world as your most JOYFUL self, starting today.

Now is the time! Carpe diem.

Let's grab a silk cloth and clean your mind glasses!

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